Monday, June 25, 2012

12 Weeks

This post is a little late as I was in Vegas all weekend. Complete Vegas recap  coming soon. It was an amazing vacation. And probably my last vacation for a really long time.

Here is the 12 week info...

your baby's the size of a plum!
The average fetus at 12 weeks is about 2.1 inches long and .49 ounces. Now that she's got pretty much all her parts, her main job is to keep on growing.

your baby at 12 weeks
  • Most of her critical systems are fully formed!
  • She's about to enter the growth and maturation stage, in which her organs and tissues will grow and develop rapidly.
  • She's now developing her reflexes -- if you poke her body, she'll likely move.
  • She's opening and closing her fingers and curling her toes, too.
  • Her brain is developing fast!

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