Thursday, July 26, 2012

17 Weeks

Wow - finally made it to 17 weeks. It's kind of cool. Not really a whole lot to report. I think I am starting to feel some sort of movement, but it's not well defined. It kind of feels like pulling or just bubbles.

I am still experiencing a lot of hip, tailbone and pelvic pain but it does seem to be getting better, slowly.

My next OB appointment is Tuesday when hopefully I will get to find out the sexes of the babies. I am getting anxious and I want to know. I have no idea how people go through an entire pregnancy without finding out.

I am a planner. I need to know the sexes so I can get their names nailed down. That is what is killing me right now. I have them about 95% picked out, but I am just not sure. I think it will be much easier to  commit to a name once I know for sure the sex.

And of course, I am ready to start shopping.

I think I am finally starting to gain weight. Probably only about 3-5 lbs so far, but it's something. I don't want to gain a lot, but I want to gain something so I feel like I am doing all I can to help my babies grow.

your baby's the size of an onion!
Baby continues to beef up. Now she's about 5.1 inches long and weighs about 5.9 ounces.

your baby at 17 weeks
  • Her rubbery cartilage is now turning to bone.
  • And she's growing some meat on those bones -- putting on some fat.
  • She's growing a stronger, thicker umbilical cord, too.


  1. If you find out on Tuesday and make me wait til you post on help me God..... ;o)

  2. Oh, I will definitely post on Tuesday!
