The girls were really moving around a lot during the ultrasound. Lydia is just above my belly button with her head on the left. Audrey is just below my belly button with her head on the right. They look like they re in bunk beds.
Total weight gain so far = 7.4 lbs. I really thought it would be more by now, but I am sure it is coming.
I am flying to Baton Rouge tomorrow for my first Baby Shower and I am so excited. I am really most excited about seeing my college BFFs though. It will be a while before I can get down there anytime soon so this will be my last chance for a while. I won't be able to fly alone with them for a LONG time and a 7 hour car ride is out of the question until they are a little older or someone can go with me.
Here are the 22 week details...
your baby's the size of a papaya!
During month five, the average fetus measures about 10.5 to 11.8 inches and weighs about 12.7 to 20.8 ounces.
your baby at 22 weeks
- Now that he's got more developed eyes and lips, he's looking even more like a newborn.
- He's sleeping in cycles -- about 12 to 14 hours per day (hint: they're probably those times you're not feeling any kicks!).
Hooray for a long and closed cervix! My two have done the bunk bed positioning a couple of times too. Aren't twins great?