Wednesday, August 8, 2012


19 weeks down, 19 weeks to go.

So, here it is, the baby bump. This is not the most flattering photo, but really... how often can a woman get away with wearing horizontal stripes!

I had my first Preparation for Childbirth Class tonight and got to take a tour of labor and deliver, the nursery and the postpartum floor. It was very nice, I was impressed. My hospital delivers about 300 babies per month. So, it's a lot but not like that TV show on Lifetime. And they do have a level IIIc NICU should the babies need it. I am so praying hard that they stay inide until their scheduled delivery date and get to come home with me. 

Next week we discuss newborn and postpartum care plus infant CPR. Overall, I thought the class was well worth the $100. Of course I was the only single mom there (my mom went with me), but I was also the only mama having twins. And I was probably the oldest. I turn 39 on Friday. (yikes)

I am so not even caring about my birthday this year!

1 comment:

  1. Found your blog on TB & just wanted to say congrats on hitting 19 weeks-- Hope your beautiful baby girls bake until at least 36 weeks!
