Tuesday, October 16, 2012

28 Weeks

Yeah, I know. I feel like I am phoning in this post before the clock rolls over onto 29 weeks. these stats are kind of funny to me this week though. Estimated weight of 1.5 to 2.5 lbs? My girls were 2.5 pounds LAST week.

I know it's all just a guess, but I really feel like they are growing faster than the average singleton. And that's crazy.

I definitely feel like I am growing, that's for sure.

Your baby's the size of an eggplant!
Putting on layers of fat, your baby now weighs in around 1.5 to 2.5 pounds and measures about 13.6 to 14.8 inches.

your baby at 28 weeks
  • She's starting to develop more fat, so her wrinkly skin will start to get smoother.
  • Her lungs are mature enough that she'd probably survive if she was born now. Wow!

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