Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Baby Steps

I have been thinking about a comment I made in a previous post about how there are a 100 more steps in the long road to bringing home a baby. It got me thinking about all the steps I have taken so far, all the milestones I have reached, all the obstacles I have overcome and all the tests I have passed - and just how many more there are left to go.

From IVF to Bringing Home Baby
  1. Egg retrieval
  2. Embryo transfer
  3. +HPT
  4. Beta #1
  5. Beta #2 (doubled)
  6. Heartbeat on ultrasound
  7. First trimester screening, NT scan
  8. Anatomy scan
  9. Viability
  10. Birth
Ok, so maybe there are only 10 steps. It makes be feel better to know I have completed the first 4. Of course, the next 6 take 8 months. 

1 comment:

  1. YEAH YEAH YEAH!!!!!! What a great bunch of posts to come home to! That Beta number looks great! I'm so happy for you!!!! So much doubling dust coming your way.
