I thought I would come back and try to fill in some more details of the embryo transfer and where we have been since then. Not really an exciting post I am sure, but just some details I want to make sure I document.
The first two days after ER, I was miserable. Every muscle in my mid-section was incredibly sore and I was really feeling bloated and swollen. I pretty much stayed at home on the couch all day Thursday and Friday and watched TV.
My RE had called me last Sunday (4/15) to let me know that I had 13 embryos still growing strong so he was scheduling ET for Tuesday at 8:30 a.m. I was to be at the surgery center at 7:30. By this time I was really feeling miserable. Constipation is no joke, let me just tell you that. Miralax is your friend!
When I arrived for my ET, my RE let me know we still had 8 embryos still going strong. I made the decision to transfer the best two. They gave me two Valium to relax me and transfer was a breeze. Then it was home for 3 days of bed-rest. Again, big thanks to Mom for taking such good care of me.
The nurse called the next day to let me know that 2 embryos made it to freeze, so I have two snowbabies!
I went back on Friday to have my estrogen and progesterone levels tested. P4 was a little low so my RE upped my PIO to 2 ccs. At this point, I had made it 10 days without having to give myself a PIO injection, but mom was leaving for her cruise so I knew it was coming. I actually did it myself last night and it wasn't so bad. It was harder than I expected to push in the plunger, but I did it. We'll see how it goes on the left side tonight.
After that, it's all just a waiting game. Waiting long enough to take an HPT, waiting to give blood for a Beta, waiting for results. Waiting, waiting, waiting. I have a feeling I am in for a lot of waiting.
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